
Born in Edinburgh on Halloween 1972 (and yes I’ve had all the jokes!), I was brought up in the village of Longniddry, some 12 miles east of Scotland’s capital city. Like most children of the 70’s, I was brought up on a diet of Spangles, Angel Delight (butterscotch of course) and Star Wars.

I’m not going to claim a lifelong passion for taking photographs, but I certainly inherited a healthy interest in cameras & taking pictures from my late Dad. He was always there, camera in hand on family holidays, days out and family get togethers, snapping away on his Praktica MTL3 and easily finishing a 36 exposure spool, that would be sent off to the local chemists for processing and picked up 1 week later. In those days you were grateful for all those images that looked remotely recognisable. Yes, they were blurry. Composition was irrelevant and as for lighting… But that didn’t matter. These were the best photos ever taken. Captured on film. By my Dad.

Wind on 30 years or so and after owning several small compact cameras over the years, yours truly became the proud owner of a 6MP Canon Eos 300D DSLR. My first ‘big’ camera. And I was well and truly hooked.
I dipped in and out of the hobby over the years, until April of 2021, when after over 30 years working in the Financial Services industry, I found myself being made redundant.
If ever an opportunity arose…..

So here we are. Completely self taught, I am now shooting with the Full Frame Canon Eos R and have a passion for landscapes and the detail that they contain. I have the time and opportunity to move this hobby forward into something bigger and hope that I can continue to improve, maybe inspire and most importantly continue to enjoy this form of art that we call photography.
